Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Target Audience

When producing opening 2 minutes of a film, there are many things you need to consider such as target audience:

AGE RANGE - when targeting an audience with a specific age range, you must question yourself and ask which age range and why? By choosing a specific age range we are able to research what types of films middle aged teenagers watch. Or what is the most popular genre watched by that age group? The age range that we want to target, will be teenagers from the age of 15 and above, the reason for this is that as teenagers ourselves from the same age range, we have an understanding of what teenagers expect from a film.

GENDER GROUPS - for example, high school musical is targeted to both genders because it involves two main characters, one female and male which any of the two genders of an audience can relate to. The film also includes sports for the males and singing/theatrical for females. Another example is the type of films called 'Chick Flicks' which is specifically targeted to females and follow the conventions in which a female can enjoy for example a happy romantic ending. In our opening, we are going to be aiming for both genders by including a range of both male and female characters.

ETHNIC GROUPS - you can target an ethnic group when producing a film by the use a range of ethnicity in the cast. The race of the main characters can target people of the same race because the audience can feel related to the character on screen therefore the use of ethnicity in the case, can open a wide range of audiences. We are aiming for hopefully a wide ethnicity group so that anyone from any ethnicity can watch our opening.

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