Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Case Study 1: Shaun of the Dead

Micro features Begins with the titles of companies such as 'Working Title'. There is use of non-diagetic music which sounds like classic horror movie music parallel with the Working Title logo then fades to black, music suddenly stops with the sound of a bell being rung. The film then starts with a medium shot of the main character showing his face, also viewing the behind scenery which establishes the location which is at a pub. The audience knows this because of the bell being rung which signifies the 'last rounds' at a pub. Camera then slowly zooms out from the medium shot showing what the character is doing.

There are many shot-reverse-shots used in the beginning scene to show the conversation between the small group of characters. The director may have used medium shots and shot-reverse-shots to symbolise that the group portrays a small and tight social bond between one another. Also to represent the community as well as it seems as though the pub is based in a small village.
Extreme close-up of ridicule actions, fast pace changes of scenes, bold titles, distortion transitions changes between scenes. slow panning shots are used, long wide shot to view as many characters possible that can fit into the shot. This shot could also be used to represent open space and vulnerability of an apocalyptic film. A wipe transition is used for a shot change, the car drives past and also wipes into the next shot in a different location, this sort of transition is used to signify the genre comedy as lively type transitions are used to convey a sense of fun atmosphere to the film.

Non-diagetic music, fast movement in camera angles. Parallel music to fit in with the action of the scene. Fast pace zooms in parallel to the action of the character getting ready for work, this type of editing has also been used in heroic films such as batman, when a superhero gets 'suited' up ready for action. Therefore this shows the audience that there is a connection between this 'normal' man and heroism. Extreme close ups, zooms and fast paced cuts are used to evoke excitement in this opening scene.

Macro Features - The use of iconography. For example the music, it is eerie and slow in the beginning but then the music changes to a classic horror music song and the dynamics get louder and louder until the actual film starts. This type of music is used to connote the Horror genre but specifically the more traditional style of horror films.
Narrative voice over. a comedic hero is used as the main character in this film, he triumphs over evil. A stereotypical everyday man in a horror situation which is not taken seriously connotes the 2 different genres combined. The use of location also helps signify a 'normal' life as the scene opens in a pub. The local pub represents the daily routine in which the character's gather to socialise. The cigarettes and alcohol could help reinforce the main character's personality, that he is a 'common' local man within the community.