Tuesday, September 14, 2010


The brief that I have been given is to produce an opening scene to a movie from a chosen genre. It is going to be the maximum of two minutes. My understanding of techniques with a video camera, and an understanding that I have learnt (from analysing and researching preparation) will be portrayed within these two minutes. This video clip will include titles and an opening scene to the film. I will be working in a group of three, each person will be allocated with a specific role e.g one person within the group will be allocated a job role such as editing or director. Even though we will each have an individual role specifically chosen to work well with our strengths, we will all participate together and work as a group in order to complete the practical project.
Before I will begin this project, I will be looking back at my preliminary task and using that project as an influence and practice of camera work techniques and use of editing programmes which will be suitable for my horror opening trailer.
My Preliminary Task...

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